
Hi! I'm Katy and I am a Course Creator.

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Jan. 31 - Empowering: Woman*Kind - Building Community

January 31, 2025 Building Community Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks. Thank you for joining us for the Empowering: Woman*Kind Movement. We appreciate you and truly hope you found some resources beneficial for your own life and journey. For those who are ready to heal your past, I invite you to step into my new monthly membership featuring weekly 15-minute (or less) Quick & Dirty Healing sessions. Each short, weekly...

Happy Lunar New Year! The Year of the Snake Hello Lovely! Welcome in the Lunar New Year with the year of the snake. This is looking like a year of shedding the old you while gracefully stepping in to what is next for you! I was having a really difficult time understanding the direction I was receiving with creating mini-healing sessions in the Quick & Dirty style.... then I read about the Lunar New Year and did the head slap of OH! I GET IT! I've been behind the scenes diligently creating a...

January 30, 2025 Appreciation Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks. Here are the goodies for January 30: Today's Kindness Card: Thank an older woman who inspires you EmpowerME Mission: Thank an older woman who inspires you Personal Commitment: I give myself permission to not only admire, but to go out of my way to thank an older woman for being inspirational in my life. Today's mad-lib: I give myself permission to extend...

January 29, 2025 Pay It Forward Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks. Here are the goodies for January 29: Today's Kindness Card: Compliment another woman EmpowerME Mission: Seek out a woman to offer a sincere compliment to -- her work, her integrity, her poise, her attention to detail, her kindness, etc. Personal Commitment: I give myself permission to admire and compliment another woman without feeling envious. Today's...

January 28, 2025 Building Here are the goodies for January 28: Today's Kindness Card: Give another woman a supportive smile, hug or high-five EmpowerME Mission: Spread the love and joy by giving another woman a supportive smile, high-five or hug! Personal Commitment: I give myself permission to support other women - shining a light on me does NOT dim my own light. Today's mad-lib: I give myself permission support another woman. Her _______ for _______ is amazing. (Share your own personal...

January 27, 2025 Mindset Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks Here are the goodies for January 27: Today's Kindness Card: Congratulate another woman EmpowerME Mission: Be truly happy (no jelalously!) for another woman and congratutate her on being so truly awesome. If necessary, ask your jealousy to take a back seat on this one and find a reason why she is awesome .... even if you want what she has and don't have it yet....

January 26, 2025 Making Amends Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks. Here are the goodies for January 26: Today's Kindness Card: Apologize to anyone you’ve been unkind to EmpowerME Mission: Seek out 1 person to offer an apology to. It can be as simple as, I apologize for being so cranky last week when you offered to help. Thank you for your kindness. Personal Commitment: I give myself permission to admit that I am not...

January 25, 2025 Refresh Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks. Here are the goodies for January 25: Today's Kindness Card: Snuggle up with a good book EmpowerME Mission: Snuggle in with a good book, crochet project or other mind engaging activity that doesn't include vegging out in front of the tv. :-) Personal Commitment: I give myself permission to give my mind a rest and take the time to restore. Today's mad-lib: I...

January 24, 2025 Shifting Perspectives Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks. Here are the goodies for January 24: Today's Kindness Card: Move sex from your chore list to your reward list! EmpowerME Mission: Flip the switch on something you see as a chore to a reward. Maybe, for you, sex isn't a chore. What IS a chore in your life that you could shift to a reward? For me, I shiftied "cardio' from chore to reward when I...

January 23, 2025 Self-Preservation Invest in your own set of Woman*Kind Kindness Cards at Use code LADYBUGS to save $10 off 4 decks. Here are the goodies for January 23: Today's Kindness Card: Unfriend, unfollow or block anyone who doesn’t bring out the best in you EmpowerME Mission: I challenge you to unfollow one account on social media that is no longer service or throws the algorithm to give you more of what you don't want. Personal Commitment: I choose to unfollow things in...